2018年1月3日 星期三

ProView G3&Cable Cam

Obliterate Shakiness in Action Cam Video, $99. 
大家期待已久的ProView G3 已正式在Indiegogo開始預訂啦!!!
首發早鳥入門票只要$ 99 美元,名額有限快搶先入手
這次Navin團隊針對gopro機型全新開發最輕便cp值最高的G3運動相機穩定器,不僅可支援現有的gopro6,還包含gopro舊款機型、Session及其他品牌如YI CAM 、SJCAM、AEE 、Garmin…相同類型機器均適用。
如果在眾籌結束時超過3倍的籌資目標(超過10萬美元),還會將穩定器ProView G3升級,以使pan軸能夠旋轉360度!
360 + 360,雙軸無限移動,提供更高的使用靈活性!
另有for G3使用的控制手把,可利用G3底部的1/4螺孔連結也可單獨離機使用。
此次我們還開發了G3的升級套件,Cable cam天軌,可使G3拍攝更專業更多元,有如mv、電影的拍攝效果,還可利用手機夾座將手機固定於Cable cam上進行拍攝。
早鳥搶先價只要$99美元 ,這麼超值的價格只有首波限定名額喔!!

ProView G3 is a wearable gimbal for GoPro camera. It provides 3-axis stabilization when the camera is locked to the gimbal, delivering professional cinematic video for any kind of activity.
ProView G3 is specially designed for sports applications. With standard ¼ “ holes at the bottom and in the rear, it can be mounted anywhere a GoPro can be mounted.

3-Axis Stabilization

State-of-art brushless motor 3-axis stabilization technology as used by the filming industry 

Covers Major Action Cameras

GoPro Hero 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / YI CAM / SJCAM / AEE / Garmin VIRB Ultra 30

3 Stabilization Modes

Pan Follow: tilt and roll axis locked, pan axis follow
All Follow: roll axis locked, pan and tilt axis follow
All Lock: all 3-axis locked

6 Mounting Orientations

Provides maximum usage flexibility

Two 1/4 " Holes

Enables flexible mounting from bottom side for typical use, or from rear side with long extension pole for special occasions.

Auto Rotation Mode

User settable to rotate from position A to position B in configurable interval. Useful for timelapse photography.

Wearble Gimbal + Cable Cam $249



ProView S3福利品均一價$3900

除舊佈新 . 過新年~~~ 有好消息要告訴大家!!! 福利品來嘍!! 快快快~~~今早出貨日又出了一批貨了,數量有限大家要搶要快下好離手~~~~ 快過年啦!!大家都準備過新年了沒~~ 團聚的歡樂時刻要好好的記錄保存下來~~~~ 2/1日起福利品均一價$39...