2018年1月8日 星期一



Glide camera over crowds at live events & sporting venues, point to point filming in difficult terrains. Create videos  not possible before!

Small and Light Weight

Take this ultra portable cable cam design anywhere and capture smooth motion footage. 

Easy Setup

Take just minutes to setup and send camera gliding on the rope.


Can be used in some occasions requiring dolly, drone, or crane.

Autonomous and Intelligent

Can be set to "ping-pong" moving back and forth continuously between two programmable points or at a fixed distance. It decelerates to a smooth stop at the end point and reverse direction.

New Perspective

Providing a new way to operate the camera. Glide it through challenging narrow space or a few centimeters off the ground to capture new exciting perspectives. Glide it close to the action or over crowds where drones are difficult to use or not allowed. Ideal for capturing great moments in all kinds of events.

Extended Motion Time Lapse

Can go much further than other motion time lapse camera products, making your footage standout from the rest.

Removable Rechargeable Battery

Replaceable rechargeable battery. Charge through USB port directly.

App Controlled

App controlled left/right direction, movement speed, A/B end points, movement distance.



ProView S3福利品均一價$3900

除舊佈新 . 過新年~~~ 有好消息要告訴大家!!! 福利品來嘍!! 快快快~~~今早出貨日又出了一批貨了,數量有限大家要搶要快下好離手~~~~ 快過年啦!!大家都準備過新年了沒~~ 團聚的歡樂時刻要好好的記錄保存下來~~~~ 2/1日起福利品均一價$39...