2017年6月15日 星期四

Horse on the beach with ProView S3

I really thought longtime about making nice videos on horse. Gopro? Drone? But for finally I decided a gimble to not loose the benefits of really good smartphone cameras by bying an expensive other system. And if you have a nice horse, it is really not hard to hold it with one hand the time of the video (I only made one shoot of 4 min in 2 hours riding. Because the result is much better than expected, I really do not need to have several trials), I just have to make sure that I see the horse in my iphone and the proview s3 does the rest 🙂 -- Charis Heuzé



ProView S3福利品均一價$3900

除舊佈新 . 過新年~~~ 有好消息要告訴大家!!! 福利品來嘍!! 快快快~~~今早出貨日又出了一批貨了,數量有限大家要搶要快下好離手~~~~ 快過年啦!!大家都準備過新年了沒~~ 團聚的歡樂時刻要好好的記錄保存下來~~~~ 2/1日起福利品均一價$39...